Make your QIF file importable

Convert non-importable QIF files to importable QIF and import into

Need to import bank or credit card transactions in a QIF file into Quicken for Windows or other QIF importing software or online service, but cannot seem to make it work? The problem is that your bank only provides transactions in a format that Quicken for Windows or other QIF importing software or online service cannot read.

The Solution: try the ProperConvert(FixMyQIF) app. It can convert your transactions into a format from QIF to QIF can import.

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Convert transaction files to the QIF format

How can I use ProperConvert to convert QIF transaction file to importable QIF format?

Import created QIF file into Quicken 2017

Now the QIF file is created, let's switch to Quicken and import created QIF file. Before importing a QIF file make sure to backup your data. To import a QIF file, follow these steps:

Import created QIF file into Banktivity

With the QIF file created, switch to Banktivity and import created QIF file. Before importing a QIF file make sure to backup your data. To import a QIF file, follow these steps:

Always Backup your accounting software company data file

Before importing any files into your accounting software, make sure to backup your company data file. Apps like Quicken or Banktivity provide easy to use and fast backup options that will take few seconds and save you lots of lost time in case of incorrect import. Import data with confidence you can easily rollback to previous state. Do backups for major changes like disabling online services as well.

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