Convert QFX to CSV/Excel

Need to work with bank or credit card transactions stored in an QFX file but cannot open it in Excel as a table with transaction? Excel or Google Sheets or another spreadsheet app does not work with QFX files directly.

extract transactions from QFX files

The Solution: try ProperConvert (QFX2CSV) app. It can convert your transactions into a format from QFX to CSV/Excel.

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Convert transaction QFX files to the CSV/Excel format

extract transactions as CSV in Excel

How can I use ProperConvert (QFX2CSV) to convert transactions from QFX format?

Convert QFX to CSV or Excel format (QFX2CSV)

This tutorial shows how to convert a QFX file from your bank or credit card statement to CSV format and import into Quickbooks Online (QBOnline), Excel, Xero.

Use the ProperConvert app to convert QFX to CSV. Other formats are supported as well.

Step by step instructions for Windows

Follow the steps below for the Windows version, followed by the Mac version.

Make sure you are using the latest version of QFX2CSV. Download it from the QFX2CSV download page. Start QFX2CSV and select a QFX file.

QFX2CSV Windows Step 1: select a QFX file

Review transactions before converting. Check that dates are correct, have the correct year, amount, withdrawals, and deposits are shown in corresponding columns.

QFX2CSV Windows Step 2: review transactions

Choose the CSV target: Regular CSV, Excel (XLS or XLSX), Quickbooks Online, Xero, Quicken for Mac (CSV Mint), POSH or copy to clipboard to be pasted into any spreadsheet software like Excel.

QFX2CSV Windows Step 3: CSV Target

Set 'Open after conversion' to open application handling converted files to start import right after the conversion.

QFX2CSV Windows Step 4: Open after conversion

Click the 'Convert' button to create a CSV file.

QFX2CSV Windows Step 5: click Convert

Confirm the file name and location.

QFX2CSV Windows Step 6: file name and location and save

Now the CSV file is created.

QFX2CSV Windows Step 7: csv file created

Review created CSV file and import it into Quickbooks Online, Xero or work with the file in Excel.

QFX2CSV Windows Step 8: Review created CSV file

See this Windows tutorial as a video:

Step by step instructions for macOS

Make sure you are using the latest version of QFX2CSV. Download it from the QFX2CSV download page.

QFX2CSV Mac Step 1: select a QFX file

Review transactions before converting. Check that dates are correct, have the correct year, amount, withdrawals, and deposits are shown in corresponding columns.

QFX2CSV Mac Step 2: review transactions before converting

Choose the CSV target: Regular CSV, Excel (XLS or XLSX), Quickbooks Online, Xero, Quicken for Mac (CSV Mint), POSH or copy to clipboard to be pasted into any spreadsheet software like Excel.

QFX2CSV Mac Step 3: CSV Target

Set 'Open after save' to open application handling converted files to start import right after the conversion.

QFX2CSV Mac Step 4: Open after save

Click the 'Convert' button to create a CSV file.

QFX2CSV Mac Step 5: click Convert Button

Confirm the file name and location.

QFX2CSV Mac Step 6: confirm name and location and save

Now the CSV file is created.

QFX2CSV Mac Step 7: CSV file created

Review created CSV file and import it into Quickbooks Online, Xero or work with the file in Excel.

QFX2CSV Mac Step 8: Review created CSV file

See this macOS tutorial as a video:

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