Make transaction files work with Wave, Sage, FreeAgent, LessAccounting and others

Each accounting software listed below imports one or more formats like OFX, QFX, QBO, QIF, CSV files. Scroll down for each format section to see converters converting to this format.

If your accounting software is not listed below, please let us know to add it to the list below. Check with your accounting software for supported import formats like OFX, QIF, CSV and see the converters below supporting conversion from your original file like PDF format.

All conversions and formats mentioned below are supported by the ProperConvert app.

Convert PDF to OFX

The ProperConvert app convert PDF statements for bank and credit card transactions. The following transaction details are extracted from PDF files:

These details are matched with required OFX transaction details: date, amount, payee, memo, check number.

Convert transactions to a format importable by ZarMoney

ZarMoney imports OFX, QFX files.

Convert transactions to a format importable by Sage 50, Sage 300, Sage One

Sage imports OFX files. Sage exists as desktop software (Sage 50, Sage 300) and an online accounting service (Sage One). It is important for both Sage products that the bank ID, the branch ID, the account number on OFX files match account settings in Sage software.

Convert transactions to a format ready for LessAccounting

LessAccounting supports QIF and QFX import. If you have transactions in these formats, you should be fine and just import those files.

In case you have a CSV or Excel file, you can convert your files to QIF or QFX format and import them into LessAccounting.

If you have a PDF file for your bank or credit card account, you can use the ProperConvert converter.

If you have QBO or OFX files, you can try to import them into LessAccounting as these are extended OFX files. If LessAccounting does not import them, use the ProperConvert app to convert.

If LessAccounting is not importing your QIF/QFX file (not created by a ProperSoft converter), it could be that whoever created the file for you, may not follow the file specifications, so the file is called QIF or QFX, but it is not such inside. In this case, you can try the ProperConvert app which tolerates many mistakes in files and create a correct QIF file from your file.

Convert transactions to OFX or QIF format importable by Microsoft Money

Microsoft Money Sunset Edition imports QIF and OFX files. It also imports QBO and QFX files (see below how to import). There are some differences between QIF and OFX/QFX/QBO import (see below), but overall either QIF or OFX are fine to use for import.

Use the ProperConvert app to convert your transaction files to required by your accounting software file format.

Convert to the QIF format

QIF format supported by Xero. Make sure to use the expected date format (based on your country settings). When you use 2QIF converter, select QIF target as "MS Money or other" and set the expected output date format:

QIF import somewhat better when using “Recover accounts” instead of “Downloaded statements”.

How to Import QBO and QFX files

QBO and QFX files are extended OFX files. As MS Money follows the OFX specification, it should import QBO and QFX files as OFX files. To import a QFX or QBO file, try the following in MS Money:

Common file formats supported by accounting software

See above file format(s) supported by specific accounting software/service

Convert to the OFX format

OFX files are Open Financial Exchange files.

OFX format has the transaction ID (reference ID) when QIF does not. Reference ID (when supplied by your bank) allows you to skip already imported transactions.

The ProperSoft converter support reference ID and if not supplied, generate it to be unique to guarantee the import for all transactions.

OFX files should be created differently for different software (Microsoft Money for Us, non-US, old Microsoft Money 99, 2000, and also other software like Sage).

Convert XLS/Excel/CSV to OFX

To convert XLS, XLSX, Excel, CSV to OFX (Excel file to OFX format), you can use the following method.

Prepare your Excel file

Convert to the QIF format

QIF format is supported by Xero. Make sure to use the expected date format (based on your country settings). When you use one of the 2QIF converters listed below, select the QIF target as "MS Money or other" and set the expected output date format:

Convert to the CSV format

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