Download, Install, Unlock the app

If you already installed the trial version and purchased the software license, there is no additional download required after your purchase - your trial version is the full version that you need to register. You just need to activate (or unlock) the software with your registration code. You do not need to switch from a trial to a paid app.

Download the app

Download the ProperConvert app on the home page.

Depending on your operating system (Windows or macOS), the Download button should point to a version matching your operating system. To see available downloads and install and uninstall instructions, go to the Download page.

Install the app

To install the app on Windows, start the installer and follow the steps.

To install the app on macOS, unzip the app and copy it under the Applications folder on your computer.

Unlock the app

When you purchase a software license and your order is complete, you receive an order confirmation email and an order fulfilment email. The order fulfilment email contains the registration code to register the software.

Please copy the registration code from the order confirmation email. The registration code looks like the following (do not copy from below, copy from your order confirmation email):


Start the software (trial version, installed on your computer) and select Help-Register under the main menu (PC or Mac version). The registration window has one long text field where the registration code should be pasted automatically if you copied it correctly. If the registration text field is empty, paste the registration code there.

Click the Register button to activate your registration code. If the registration code is correct, you will see the "Registration is confirmed. Thank you!" message.

How to activate the app

Resend my registration code

If you already purchased, but do not have an access to your registration code, request the key to be sent by email on the customer page.

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