Convert files with splits

The ProperConvert converter supports splits in transactions.

What is a transaction with multiple splits? When each transaction can have more than one category assigned.

Some formats support splits, and the converter can convert transactions with splits. Splits are passed during a conversion when supported and adapted when the output format does not support them.

Formats that support splits

Formats that do not support splits

How splits are passed to non-supporting formats

The OFX, QFX, QBO, MT940 formats do not support splits. For example, with a PayPal file and there are Gross, Fee, and Net columns, resulting in two splits and the amount. Since creating a transaction with multiple splits is not possible, the converter offers two ways to pass splits into the output file:

Creating separate transactions will result in multiple transactions that you can still work with in your accounting software.

Collapsing splits will loose the category details, but keep a transaction as a whole, that could be edited later in the accounting software.

Step 1: Create CSV splits as columns

For example, for a CSV file with splits below, the file has the Amount column, 'Split1', 'Split2', 'SplitCategory1', 'SplitCategory2'.

If there are no split category columns - the name of this split column will be used as a category name for all transactions.

Step 1: See example of a CSV file with splits as columns

Step 2: Name split columns to support automapping

If possible to adjust column names in a CSV file, rename the columns before converting:

Step 2: select auto mapping

Step 2: Name split columns to support automapping

Step 3: Apply a custom mapping for split columns

Click 'Review Mapping' to use a custom mapping feature (provided for for CSV/Excel files only).

Step 3: Apply a custom mapping for split columns: Review Mapping

Set the number of splits here.

Step 3: Apply a custom mapping for split columns: set the number of splits

Set columns, which have split amounts.

Step 3: Apply a custom mapping for split columns: split amounts

Similarly, set columns for split categories.

Step 3: Apply a custom mapping for split columns: split categories

Once the mapping is saved, make sure to verify the splits column at the end of the transaction grid that all splits are parsed correctly.

Step 3: Apply a custom mapping for split columns: review the Splits column

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