How to get a refund?

If you have issues with the converter related to an actual converter, for example, it does not open your file or opens it incorrectly (does not show all transactions or shows more transactions than it should), please email or submit a request from the customer page with details about the issue. ProperSoft will try to help you and resolve the issue, and if it is too much work for both sides, you will get your order refunded. If it is a simple issue to resolve (in most cases it is), you will get your transactions imported, and no refund will be needed.

If you already contacted support and the issue cannot be resolved, please follow the instructions below. Please wait seven business days (Monday-Friday) after your email was sent before sending in another request. If you changed your mind about a refund, please let us know by sending a new request.

To receive your refund, please do the following steps

ProperSoft Inc. follows its refund policy. Request a refund by contacting us.

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